Your path to wellness is our priority -あなたのウェルネスが、最優先-

Your path to wellness is our priority -あなたのウェルネスが、最優先-

お電話でのお問い合せ 03-6205-6244 受付時間 10:00~17:00 (土日祝日休業)

360 Wellnessファスティングの視点

自然・生物学的に、人の身体では、摂食時と断食時に、それぞれ特定の経路で代謝が行われています。それら両方の経路で代謝が行われることが、健康には不可欠です。つまり、食べている時間と食べていない時間があることで、それぞれの代謝が相互になされることが、体にとって非常に良く、それによって、健康とウェルネスのホメオスタシス(恒常性)が作り出されます。 健康の鍵はバランスです。 バランスが悪いと、健康上の問題が生じます。







多くの人は減量や体重管理のためにファスティングを行いますが、優れたファスティングプログラムの主目的は、代謝のリセットを助けることでなければなりません。代謝を正常に戻すことで、 慢性的な炎症と闘い、免疫システムをサポートし、体重管理、良好な生物学的老化(すなわち、若々しいエネルギーと美しさ)をサポートし、消化器系の健康回復、血液循環の改善、男性・女性の生殖機能の回復、体内の老廃物を適時排出(デトックス・解毒)する能力を取り戻すことができます。


また、3月にお試しグループファスティング/デトックスプログラムを実施します。360 Wellnessのファスティングプランで是非代謝をリセットして下さい。体の平衡を取り戻すのに遅すぎることはありません。


Naturally and biologically, the body has specific metabolic pathways to deal with the fed state as well as the fasted sate. The metabolic pathways dealing with fed state and fasted state are integral parts of a healthy physiology. In fact, it is very good for the body to go back and forth between those states and their respective metabolic pathways: that creates a homeostatic condition for wellness and health. Balance I key for health. Anytime, there I disequilibrium, there will be health challenges.

In most industrialized developed countries, people eat almost every 3 to 4 hours until they go to sleep. Some people will even eat just before their head hit the pillow at night and eat plenty again just when they wake up. In fact, many people don’t eat because they are hungry: they eat because food is always available or for social reasons or just because of artificial eating times (e.g., breakfast time, lunch time, snack time, dinner time….).

This eating habit creates an exhausted digestive system and a dis-regulated one-sided metabolic path controlled by insulin (fed state pathway only) instead of the 2-way balanced metabolic pathways (fed and fasted paths) controlled by insulin (fed) and glucagon (fasted) that nature has intended. The consequences of this all the time eating habit are enormous and definitely not healthy!

By eating all the times, there are some metabolic pathways that could go for days, weeks, and even months without significant functions of other metabolic pathways in the body. That could not be healthy in the short or long time.

No wonder there is increase in incidences of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.

The biochemical reactions during fasting are normal processes in the physiology of the body. During fasting, the digestive system gets to rest and repair itself, there is considerable reduction in insulin production, the body has a better chance to manage adiposity, the body has a better chance to control and prevent chronic inflammation. Even cancer development can be inhibited during proper fasting programs.

However, it should be mentioned that not all fasting protocols are the same. Some fasting plans can miss the goal and redirect the body into chronic inflammations.

Although many people adopt fasting plans to lose or manage weight, a primary goal of any good fasting program should be to help reset metabolism. By resetting proper metabolism the body regains its capability to fight chronic inflammations, support the immune system, manage weight, favor good biological aging (i.e., youthful energy and beauty), restore digestive health, improve blood circulation, improve and restore reproductive health in males and females, and improve timely elimination of wastes (detoxification) from the body.

For more details and how to properly fast according to the body’s bio-physiological processes, keep following us and be notified for a full lecture.

We are conducting a group trial fasting/detox program in the very near future, please sign up for the 360 Wellness Fasting plan and reset your metabolism. It is never too late to restore equilibrium to your body.


BPS(Biological Positioning System~生物学的ポジショニング・システム)とは、GPS(グローバル・ポジショニング・システム)のように、健康状態の現在地を把握することによって、その後の質の高いウェルネスへの道筋を示すというママドウ博士独自の概念です。私たちの体の状態は、胎内にいる時から現在に至るまでの生物学的特性と、生活の全てが影響しています。